
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Who Am I? - Continued

So, remember from my last who am I post:
  • I am spontaneous.
  • I am committed.
  • I am reasonable
  • I am creative.
  • I am adventurous.
  • I am dependable.
  • I am responsible.
  • I am easy going.
  • I am good-humored.
  • I am messy.
 I am spontaneous in that I'd rather go where the moment takes me than plan every moment and life event. If I get the urge to skip, I'm going to skip. I am committed to my words, actions, family and friends. When I say I'm going to do something, I do my best to follow through. I don't ever want my family, friends or employer to question their trust in me, so I'm committed to being a trust worthy gal. I am reasonable. I completely agree with this sensible quote by Rick Warren:

 "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear and hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense."

I am creative. I love thinking outside of the box. My favorite creative outlet is writing, but I'm also innovative. Just ask me about the potty protection insurance fundraiser I created once. I am adventurous. There isn't a cliff too high, a car too fast or a hiking trail that's too narrow, according to me. I am dependable to a fault. I pride myself on being a person others can rely on. This re-enforces my commitment to others. I am responsible. Yes, responsibility can bore me to tears, but I will always do my best to honor my obligations. I'm sure I'm not the only responsible person who sometimes wants to do what Leann Rimes sings about in her song Destructive. http://youtu.be/mVyV6GY85XU This is actually one of my favorite songs. I am more easy going than water going down an unclogged toilet. My feathers don't get ruffled easily. I know how to go with the flow and I also know how to be the flow. I am good-humored. My humor doesn't shine through on this blog very often, but I promise I am typically a cheerful person with a sarcastic tongue and ear. I love making others smile and laugh even if it's at my expense. There's no doubt that I am messy. I'm naturally unorganized. Unorganized doesn't mean I'm not detail oriented, it's just a chaotic beauty that's all. I tend to be organized at work and school, but not at all at home or in my personal life.

Surprise, I'm me! Who is this me I've been speaking so fondly of? A summary: A sympathetic girl that wants the world to be more understanding and forgiving. A hopeless unromantic. An ambitious realist that is ill suited for dreaming big. A motivational speaker when you need one. An unquestionable friend. A lover of life who can't wait to die.