
Friday, May 16, 2014


          Underwear, panties, or whatever you call them they're important, right? My undies are so sexy. I hope you can tell that I typed that with sarcasm. No thongs... I need something that will catch any anal leakage and save my pants from farts I shouldn't have trusted. What's not sexy about that?  I don't trust my butt, so I wear panty liners almost daily. Most of the time, I buy cheap packages of 6 underwear because I throw them away when I mess them up, which is more often than I care to admit. I hate taking the time to clean a mess only to have a stain remain. I don't have the knowledge of how to properly clean them or the energy to waste time cleaning my really dirty ones. It's easier and less frustrating to just buy new. It's not like I want buckets lying around with panties I have to scrub or soak. Though maybe I should consider it if it will add to the sexiness factor.  No, thanks. I prefer black underwear, but honestly most of mine are white, bikini style with colorful designs on them. I usually buy them a size too big so that they're not too tight.  I'm most comfortable in high waist underwear because the lower waist isn't as kind to the sensitive part of my belly below my belly button. Sadly, I don't own a lot of high waist underwear because it's weird to have my underwear higher up on my waist than my pants. I mainly just sleep in the high waist ones. The granny panties have to be sexy, right? I know, they are not glamorous, but I find them comfortable. Obviously, I'm not trying to impress anyone, but if I were trying to impress other crohnies, they might admire the comfy, granny panties. lol I typically carry spare underwear with me. There are a few in my back pack for school and usually one in my purse and car just in case. Just in case of what? You don't want to know.