
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Update on Grandpa

Today my grandpa had fluid drained from his lungs and he had an oh so lovely colonoscopy. Hopefully, breathing got easier for him after they drained his lungs. They found some sort of blockage during the colonoscopy, which they're supposed to x-ray him tonight to help determine what's causing the blockage. Evidently, there's a tube down his throat for oxygen. He was mostly sedated the whole day today.  The main surgeon said that as long as he doesn't get any infections he's expected to make a full recovery. Sadly, they expect him to be in the hospital for another 3 weeks. Tomorrow they'll put a camera down his throat to check his heart somehow. They said that they may need to open him back up to reset his sternum that may have gotten out of place from the compressions he got to bring him back after he flat lined. I know there's more to his condition right now, but that's all I can remember.

I'm doing what I can to help, but I still feel helpless. I'm also feeling guilty that I'll be leaving in 9 days to go out of town when I may be needed here. I know someone will pick of the slack I leave behind so that I can try to enjoy a short vacation.  Kelly cooked for grandma, Don and Len tonight. I'm taking them out for their weekly steak n' shake run tomorrow night. I'm anticipating to also be making weekly trips to the grocery store with grandma every Monday in the near future. We're trying to keep as many weekly habits as grandma, don and grandpa had before gramps went in for surgery. It's hard... no matter what normalcy we try to create for grandma and don it's not the same and that saddens me. One side of the family seems to be missing in action this week when we could really use all the help we could get from them.

School, what's that? Whatever it is, it's not important right now.