
Monday, September 1, 2014

My Three Day Weekend

I can't say I enjoyed my three day, Labor day weekend. I spent most it with my head in a school book or doing online homework. Geez, how dull is that? Responsibility sucks! lol  It wouldn't have been as bad if I didn't need to get ahead for next week, too. Next weekend is going to be super busy for me and I know I won't have much free time to study. I'll be driving down to Sunrise, FL after I get off work on Friday for Taylor's birthday/house warming party that's on Saturday. I'm excited to see her and celebrate with her friends and family!  Then, I'll make my way back home Saturday night. I've got an early morning run with Brittany on Sunday. I'm feeling good about it since I've actually been training. My family is starting a new tradition the first Sunday of every month to have cheese steaks at my grandma's house in memory of my grandpa who loved cheese steaks. This Sunday we will venture to the graveside to see the finished tombstone and place flowers in the holders on either side of the stone. I already know it's going to be emotional because just thinking about it gets me choked up. I know it's going to stir up all of the emotions I felt the day I saw his casket lowered into the ground. So, this dull weekend will be followed by an emotional roller coaster next weekend. I guess I'll enjoy the dullness while it lasts.