
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dentist, Haircut, and Dyed...Oh My!

Despite being busy this week, I found time to take extra good care of myself. I'm still feeling great. *knock on wood* I went to the dentist for the first time in four years this week. I originally stopped going because I cancelled my appointment back in 2010 in order to go on vacation and I never rescheduled. Life got busy, other medical bills piled up, and I just finally got around to going back. My insurance doesn't cover dental, so it's not the cheapest thing in the world. I don't even care that my insurance doesn't cover it because it covers my meds for Crohn's. Surprisingly, I didn't have any cavities or problems with anything else! Damn, I'm good! I saved over $1,300 by not going to the dentist for four years, and I don't have any cavities! Yeah, I feel like I won at life! I don't want to push my luck, so I'm back on the schedule for cleanings and x-rays twice a year.

To treat myself extra nicely, I got my haircut today. Okay, it was just a trim. I love the part when the lady shampoos my hair. I mean, wow. Why does it feel so damn good when someone else does it? I need someone to shower with so that they can shampoo my hair. I like that shit! Perhaps, I can cut arm holes in my shower curtain so that someone can just stick their arms through to shampoo me. I'm cracking up picturing that in my head. I'm too cheap to get my hair professionally dyed, so I went home and dyed my own hair after my haircut. It's an elegant deep bronzed brown. It seems to have covered the grays, but that will likely change in a couple weeks.

I'm packed and ready to head South after work tomorrow. I've got the Vodka and Oreos and can't wait to celebrate Taylor's birthday!