
Monday, September 22, 2014

If I Ignore the Pain, Will It Go Away?

Stomach pain greeted me yesterday in the late afternoon. I thought it might be gas pain, but after sounding the ass alarm (farting) the pain still wasn't relieved.  I took a few craps... Mainly just sat on the toilet in hopes the pain would somehow work itself out. It didn't. All in all, My poops were a little loose and surprisingly beautiful nonetheless. What gives? The pain was uncomfortable, yet manageable today. I put on my happy face and lied to anyone who asked how I was doing.  I know I've experienced far more agony than this. If I ignore the pain, will it go away?

I have officially started marathon training. I forget if I've started before, but now is go time! That's why I'm really trying to ignore this pain my stomach is insisting on feeling. I've created a training schedule that will get me up to 16 - 18 miles before my marathon in January, which is perfect for me. I ran about 2.5 miles today with the pain. It was difficult to start, but within a few minutes into it I was able to ignore the pain.