
Thursday, August 28, 2014

My Novel Idea...Shhh

As you may know I hope to write a book one day. I've been working with this one idea for a while and for the sake of my future New York Times bestseller's content not getting stolen let's call it Betty.  I've got the main idea, but I've had writers block for months with lack of continued development to the point where I almost deleted it and said the heck with it. The only thing worse than constipation is mental constipation. Finally, after a new prompt from The Secret Storytelling Society, my new writing group on Facebook, acted as a writing laxative, I have made a major development in Betty. Betty has broke the waterline if you know what I mean!  I'm super excited and feel like this could be the huge creative break I've been waiting for! Betty is alive and well with her characters, setting, theme, plot, and conflict under construction I've got a decent blueprint to work with now. I'll probably be working on Betty for years to come and that's okay. After all, I haven't even finished my first draft yet. Trust me when it's finished, it will be epic! Betty is like my secret baby. It'll take a lot of time, love, and hard work to raise her.