
Monday, August 25, 2014

What Makes Me Happy

It's really not that difficult to make me happy. I get delighted by a beautiful bowel movement, which I've had plenty of in the past week. I'm thrilled to be feeling as well as I'm feeling right now. Seriously, I feel like I'm super woman! No pain, no blood, endless energy, limited anal leakage, and my mind feels unusually sharp. This in itself puts me in a fantastic mood.

Another thing that makes me happy are friendships. Recently, I've had some great conversations with my friend Gabriel about life aspirations and reality checks. My Team Challenge friend and teammate, Rita, and I find comfort in being able to share the gross details of IBD with each other. She gets it!  I love the endless moral support my friend Brittany and I share with each other.  My friend Veronica and I always believe in each other and encourage one another every week. I love the way my best friend Taylor challenges me to step outside my comfort zone. These friends are in my corner of life. Their successes and accomplishments make me happy! Plus, I love it when they're happy!

I also find pleasure in mentoring my cousins through this important time in their young lives.  The moments they see their potential bring me great joy. They have created a spark for their future now we just have to nurture it into a thriving flame. I've staked an interest in their future and I'm excited to help them become the young ladies they aspire to be.

I couldn't end this post without mentioning running. Yes, I felt well enough to start running again! If a guy made me feel like I feel when I'm running, I might consider marrying him. My love, how I've missed you and the unstoppable feeling you give me.  It's always hard getting back into shape, but oddly enough the heavy breathing is a great motivator. It's been so hot that it's like I've been swimming on dry land. I absolutely adore my running shoes on the road. Life for me is great whenever I'm logging miles. It really is my antidepressant.