
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Summer Break Part 1

It's hard to believe I haven't taken a single nap so far during my summer break. That in itself is proof I'm been feeling pretty well. Some typical issues health wise, but they seem so minor compared to what I was dealing with that I welcome them. Plus, I'm gaining some weight back. Weight is good because it gives me a little cushion room during bad times since when things go bad quickly I've been known to lose 17lbs in two weeks. Weight also seems to give me more energy and when it's sticking, it usually means I'm doing well... unless I'm on steroids, then I'm just a sick, chubby chipmunk.

Summer Break: Day 1
I spent my free time having dinner with my grandma. No doubt that she enjoys my company as I enjoy hers as well.  She has come a long way in the past couple of weeks emotionally. Now, she can reminisce of stories about grandpa without getting too emotional. It made me realize that somewhere in the past month I have stopped mourning grandpa's death. I can't tell which specific day I no longer broke into tears at the thought of losing grandpa, but somehow the crying has ceased. I still miss him though.

Summer Break: Day 2
After work, I met Taylor, her boyfriend and her grandparents at their hotel downtown to get a pre-graduation celebration underway. We enjoyed happy hour where Taylor and I took advantage of their whiskey and coke special. We all drank and chatted about life wasting time before heading to Sak Comedy for a show. My face cheeks hurt from laughing so hard during the show. After we walked back to the hotel, we called it a night and I headed home.

Summer Break: Day 3
I met Taylor's friends and family at the CFE Arena on UCF campus at 7:30am for Taylor's graduation at 9:00am. The graduation was long, but I enjoyed every minute of it. We spotted her walking in to find her seat and she spotted us as she stood up to head to the stage. The speaker called, "Taylor Lauren Conklin," and Taylor gave a little fist pump as she walked across the stage! I fought back tears. I'm so proud of her! Witnessing a UCF graduation makes me even more excited to work hard to graduate in May 2015. Following the graduation we went to Kobe's to celebrate!

Summer Break: Day 4
This morning I put on my running shoes for the first time in a month to meet my friend, Brittany, on the West Orange Trail. We're training for a five mile race in October. We decided to go for five miles, and I was gladly surprised how well we did for just beginning our training schedules.  I love running with friends. They make the miles fun. After our run, I showered and headed to my mom's friend's house to put her camcorder videos onto DVD. It took all afternoon because she had a lot of videos, but I didn't mind since she pays me to do it.

I'm just getting started... more fun times ahead!