
Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Last Week of Summer Break

It's crazy to think that today is possibly the last day of summer break I'll ever have. Unless my future employer invests in me to get a master's degree, this is it. By the time next summer gets here, I'll be an alumni from the University of Central Florida. Just thinking about it makes me cry. My goal is to have a job lined up by the time I graduate in May 2015, but I could very well still be job/career hunting next summer.

I took the first couple of days on my last week of break to recover from my trip. Yes, I need recovery time for these sorts of things. I rested and started reading another book. I felt great and had nothing to do. Heck, I even binge watched the Netflix series 'Orange is the New Black.' Hilarious show! Tampon sandwich coming right up!  Sometimes I forget to take time like this for myself when I feel good. I gave myself injections on Wednesday. This was one of the times I felt like a professional needle pillow. I'm pretty good at injecting myself despite occasionally having scary thoughts like what if the needle breaks off inside of me? It's crazy how focused I can get to block out thoughts, doubts and hesitation in order to do what has to be done. I went to see the comedian Pablo Francisco on Thursday because I won tickets. I went with my friend Gabriel and it was nice to catch up on all of our summer adventures.  Among other things, I learned how a dyslexic person flips the bird. The show was a hoot! Friday, I spent the night at my parents' and started making room to move back there in October. Saturday, I went to my friend Brittany's daughter's bday party and afterwards I picked up my cousins, Beth and Megan for a sleepover at my place. Today, I helped them create a three year plan, which included things like graduating high school, getting a driving permit, getting a job, and going to college. I think they will look back on today and say that it was a turning point for the rest of their lives... At least, I hope it will be. They have so much potential and they are just starting to realize it.  I challenged them like I wish someone would have challenged me. I somehow feel responsible for their future like if I stand by and do nothing to inspire them, I'll regret it because no one else will be their inspiration. We even started a writing club where we plan to share a prompt once a month and share what we wrote based on it.

I should have known something was brewing on the horizon because I felt extremely well this week. My bowels are the best it's been in weeks! My poop has been beautiful!!! Well, good days don't just happen without hiccups lingering in the near future. I woke up this morning with a horrible head cold. It was inevitable really... My sister that's my roommate decided to come back to our place of residence after spending three weeks with my parents.  That's fine, but it's annoying because she came back infecting our place with a bad cold, which I now have. School starts tomorrow and I feel like shit. Damn people and their germs... now I'm the germy person being damned.