
Monday, June 23, 2014

Long Day and a Great Class

My day started by taking my grandma to the grocery store and dentist. At the dentist, she had to cancel grandpa's upcoming appointment and explain why. That was difficult for me to witness and hard for grandma not to get choked up. Today is my grandma's and grandpa's anniversary and they would've been married for 61 years. According to grandma the secret to a long marriage is to put up with each other's bullshit and accept your differences. She misses the loving banter that used to go back and forth between the two of them. Anyone else in the room might have thought they were arguing, but that was their way of loving each other. It was a sad day for grandma. She said she's not yet ready to visit grandpa's grave, but she's starting to look in the floral area of Publix so she'll know what kind of flowers to bring him when she is ready.

After the morning with grandma, I went to work for a few hours before heading to U.C.F. I stopped by the bookstore to buy the required textbook and trade-book. I know, I waste so much money at the bookstore and as a finance major I should be ashamed. Except I'm not. If I was spending someone else's money, I'd be smarter with it. There are better, cheaper ways to go about getting textbooks, but I'm too lazy to go those routes for myself. The campus bookstore is just so easy...expensive, but easy. Plus, I'm such a dork, or idiot, that I like to buy to keep the book because I think I'll go back later and read the book or use it as a reference. Actually, I have used many of my other books as references, so I'm not completely nuts. Anyway, my class is on professional selling. I chose it as an elective because the very essence of business is buying and SELLING. I wasn't disappointed with the first class. It always surprises me when I learn stuff that I can use in the real world. This class will sharpen my interview skills and help me build my personal brand. Thus, making me more employable. It will also teach me how to close a deal, accept a deal and a little on negotiations. Though my professor is a little crazy, he really cares that the students have the skills they need to have a job waiting for them after graduation.  That's an ambitious dream I'm not even brave enough to dream of yet because I know I don't yet have interview skills. My professor went around the room telling the 50 students his first impression of them. His impression of me was that I'm a good team player. What? He doesn't even know my name yet and that is spot on. I'm sure glad I decided to wear business casual to class, after all I am in the college of business.