
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Half Truth

I wish writing was my secret passion. Okay, that's a half truth. So, from now on can we keep the fact that I like to write between you and me? You wouldn't ask me to paint you a picture, so I ask that you not request me to write anything either. I can't remember ever saying that I was a good writer. If I did, I regret it. I guess there's no hiding my hobbies from family though. I wrote my grandpa's obituary this morning, which should be published in tomorrow's Orlando Sentinel. It was depressingly easy to compose. Tonight my dad and Uncle Mike asked me to write a funeral biography that they need by tomorrow morning. They gave me a list of facts about grandpa including, where he was born, education, work history, family, and hobbies. Obviously, they have a better picture of his life than I do because they're grandpa's children. Though this is just supposed to be a short biography, I feel I won't do him justice. Am I really the best person to be writing this? Well, I have some writing to do.