
Sunday, April 13, 2014

What Would You Do?

          My friend, Veronica, proposed the question: What would you do if you were told that you didn't have that much time left to live? She was prompted by this question because her boss has cancer and he has stopped responding to treatment. Honestly, I don't have time to blog right now, but that's the whole idea isn't it. Time is a selfish bitch. I have projects to finish, deadlines to meet and finals to study for. All of my sleeping and napping has put me over two weeks behind in one of my classes with finals a week away. I can only imagine feeling like I don't have time to be sick if I was given an expiration date.

          I know that my days here on earth are limited, yet I don't live like today will be my last. I lost my bucket list on my old laptop when it died a couple months ago otherwise I'd share it. Sure, I have a list of things I want to do before I die. However, if I knew when my expiration date was, I don't think I'd go on a mission to check as many things off my bucket list as I could. Rather, I'd spend as much time with family and friends as possible. It would be awesome to go somewhere on a trip with them to celebrate my life together.  I'd try to mend my dysfunctional relationship with my sister, Leigha. The people in my life matter to me and if I knew when my time was going to be up, I'd take extra care beforehand to make sure each of them knew how they've enriched my life.

          I'd likely quit my job. Perhaps that's giving up hope, since I only work so that I can afford to live and cross things off my bucket list. Why waste time working if living won't be an expense for much longer? I'd prefer to spend my time writing my autobiography and publishing it to leave behind in hopes that at least one person will be inspired by my story. Then, if I get cured from my imminent death and live longer than my expiration date, I could make my new living as an author. 

          I've already checked some pretty incredible things off my bucket list:
  •  Skydive - check
  •  Run a marathon - check
  •  Ride in a hot air balloon - check
  •  Run across the Golden Gate bridge - check
  •  Swim with manatees - check
  •  Visit NYC - check
  •  Visit Washington D.C. - check
           I feel like if I wait to tackle my bucket list until I'm old or dying, by that time it will be too late. The point of my list is for it to enhance my sense of living, not for it to be my grand finale in life.