
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Orlando Science Center with Savanna

          Trust me, I wanted to sleep the day away. I couldn't bring myself to let Savanna down though. I've been planning on taking her to the Orlando Science Center (OSC) for a couple of weeks now. All she knew was that I was taking her to a surprise. Plus, I can't even remember the last time I saw her and I missed her. I couldn't let this scarce free time go to waste. She does this thing whenever I haven't seen her in while where she'll stand on the other side of the room when she first walks in, make eye contact with me, say my name and run with open arms towards me as I bend down and open my arms to catch her in a hug. I love it! Those hugs are the best. She wraps her arms and legs around me tightly as she whispers in my ear, "I missed you." Meanwhile, I'm elated that she remembers who I am. And it kind of made me feel a little better, or at least it made getting out of bed worth it. We played with my sister's bunny before leaving for the OSC.

          I dislike how frail I look in this picture, but this pic really captures the joy in Savanna's heart. I love her.

          My mom, Kelly, Savanna and I made a quick stop to eat lunch at Wendy's before going to OSC. Savanna got two fantastic Care Bear bracelets in her happy meal. My wrist fits comfortably in a children's bracelet. Should I be worried?
          OSC was a lot of fun. Though it was a workout to keep up with Savanna and all the exhibits. It's the perfect place for kids to explore and learn new things. When she was digging for bones in the Dino Digs area I was fascinated by how quickly she befriended a couple of other girls. She sat right next to them and asked their names. They began talking and working on digging up the same bone together. When one of the little girls, Leah, asked if Savanna's mom was there, Savanna said that her mom was at work. When Leah asked if Savanna's dad was there, Savanna said that she was there with her sister and pointed to me. I wondered, does she know what a sister is? Does she know what a dad is? After some time passed with them talking and digging, Savanna followed Leah to meet her family (sister and parents) who were sitting on another bench watching them.  I wish I found conversation with strangers as easy as Savanna does. I think Savanna had a great time. I know I'm glad I got to spend some time with her. I love how carefree kids can be. It doesn't mean I want any kids of my own though. I don't want to deal with anymore diapers than my own. lol Speaking of which, I'm jealous of the size of Savanna's turds.