
Monday, July 27, 2015

On The Verge of Constipation...

I haven't pooped today. Although it's wonderful not pooping at least 3 times a day (my normal/healthy schedule), I'm concerned I may be constipated. Remember the last time I was constipated? It led to the Texas incident...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fun Times

Update: I think I'm back to "normal" as I've only pooped a couple times today. I'm feeling good and I hope it continues. Btw, my dad cleaned the bathroom for me. I owe him one!

Finally, I can blog about girls weekend without the fear of pooping myself. Let me start by saying that I had four days off in a row!!!! I can't remember the last time that happened.

Thursday was absolutely incredible! Even though my rental car wasn't the convertible I booked, I picked up Taylor around 5:15pm and we headed to Miami for the Shania Twain concert. On the way, we mostly talked and caught each other up on our lives. Not much to catch up on since we just talked for a few hours on the phone the night before. We got to the arena early and we were giddy in our seats playing around on Dubsmash to waste time. Once the concert started we sang along with every song. We acted like we were serenading each other, screamed like fan girls, and danced like no one was watching! The night lived up to my expectations, which is to say it was a night I won't forget.

Friday, we returned my rental car and then headed to the hotel for girls weekend. After we checked in early, Taylor and I ate at Lola's. I had an amazing blackened dolphin sandwich. We got a huge brownie to share and that brownie lasted the whole weekend. It was excellent. Once we got back to the hotel we took a nap, and then we lounged by the pool while we waited for Brittany and Kelly to arrive. I enjoyed lounging because it was the only time during the weekend that I read The Martian. It's one hell of a good book. By the time we changed and I jokingly did Taylor's hair, Kel and Britt had arrived. We went to some Tiki place for dinner and it had the perfect atmosphere to set the tone for the weekend. When we got back to the hotel, we played games for hours and danced. It was great to have good old classic fun.

Saturday, we went to the beach. While there we played with a beach ball and Frisbee. Heck, I even joined the ladies in the ocean. The water was clear because there weren't many waves, which I loved. After the beach, we grabbed lunch and took showers, and then headed to the mall. I was exhausted, so I took a nap after the mall. To no avail I woke super fatigued. My stomach hurt, but I just thought it was gas pain. Anyways, I sucked it up and we went bowling and sang karaoke. I won both games of bowling with a 117 and Taylor pointed out my Taco Bell order # on the way back to the hotel was 117. Those numbers don't mean anything to me, but I thought it was weird.

Sunday, we went to the beach and headed home. For me, overall, this weekend was the relaxation I needed and great bonding time with amazing friends. I am noticing though that I don't feel as fun as I used to be. Is that a sign of getting old or just not feeling 100%? I want to have more energy. I don't want going to the beach to feel like it costs me half of my day's spoons.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I Pooped My Brains Out

I'll post about the fun girls weekend next time.

This post will be about fucking Crohn's disease.  I was supposed to do my Cimzia injections on Thursday, the day I left town. I decided to post-pone the injections by 3-4 days because they make my belly really sore and the injection spots tend to get puffy and sometimes bruised. I didn't really want a swollen tummy at the beach.

I knew going into the weekend that my energy levels weren't the best, but I thought with afternoon naps I would be able to keep up with the weekend. I did okay until Saturday afternoon. My two hour nap didn't help at all. I still felt really fatigued and tired. I had the chills. Maybe it was the sun and water... maybe it was the alcohol the night before... maybe it was because I post-poned my injections. Plus, I had gas cramps. I'm glad I sucked it up and went bowling and sang karaoke though. I got up a few times in the middle of the night to poop (it was diarrhea). I was as quiet as I could be, but I felt bad because I didn't want to wake anyone up with my potty issues. I tossed and turned and accidentally woke Taylor up a few times. I even woke up sweating at one point, which is strange because I was freezing most of the night.

Thankfully, I woke up Sunday morning with enough energy to get me through the beach and car ride home.  I took a three hour nap when I got home. After the nap, I was feeling way better until I ate dinner. After dinner, my stomach pain had me doubled over and I was running to the bathroom once or twice and hour.

Side note: I'm living with my family. My mom and dad hear me struggling to make my lunch for the next day in the kitchen. I'm moaning in pain. At one point I was on the floor. My mom got up to see what was going on, I gasped in pain when I told her I was trying to make lunch, and then she just said, "Oh, I used to feel like that after I ate Tijuana." (I hate when healthy people think that they have felt what I feel.) She then went back to the couch. I can't ask her to help make my lunch, but she didn't even offer to help and that pissed me off... which is weird because I hate when I need help. (She gets weird when I hang out with Taylor. Even though those two claim to be liking each other these days.) Don't get me wrong I know they care when it matters, but sometimes I feel like when I don't feel well it's just so normal for them that they don't think twice. They are constantly telling me that I can't live on my own because then I'll have no one to take care of me and I'm like it won't be much different than it is now. The only difference will be that no one will see me in pain.

I didn't really get much sleep Sunday night. Between 9pm and 6am I pooped at least 15 times. I pretty much pooped my brains out. How could that much shit be inside me? The last time I pooped that much was in Texas. (Mom has the nerve to tell me to clean the toilet. I know it needs to be cleaned and when I feel better, I'll clean it. Damn you woman,) I'm just glad this time I had at least some control over my bowels. Somewhere along the way the pain went away, but my stomach was sore from pooping so much. If I didn't have my new job, I would have called in sick. I was so tired. I put on a good face and made it through work with way more bathroom breaks than normal. When I got home on Monday, I did my injections, ate dinner, and then went to bed. Thank God, I only woke up 6 times between 7:30pm and 6:30am to poop. I slept much better.

Today, I feel way better than Sunday and Monday; however, I still don't feel as well as I did on Friday. My bowels are still calming down and I'm hoping it's under control before I start losing weight. I've already lost three pounds, but I think it's just because I'm dehydrated. I'll clean the bathroom tomorrow.

P.S. I got an amazing compliment from my supervisor today about how well I'm doing. It almost made me cry. Damn you, feelings.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Fun Times Ahead!!!

This Wednesday I was supposed to go to the Shania Twain concert in Jacksonville with Kim, but she will be in Texas visiting Baylor and learning about their PT program.  Have no fear, I was still planning on going even if it meant going by myself. Thankfully, Kelly will be going with me instead. I'm excited because this will give me a chance to start working her out of her shell before our girls/game weekend.  Plus, I know she will know all the words to sing along.

It's only my second week at my new job and I'm already taking off two days this week: Thursday and Friday. That's how fantastic my supervisor is. On Thursday I'll be in Sunrise to pick up Taylor from work at 5:30pm so that we can head to The Shania Twain Concert in Miami. I will accept nothing less than a night we will never forget.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be spent with Brittany, Kelly, and Taylor! I'm super excited because I think we all need this girls getaway for one reason or another. We will be playing games, drinking, karaoke-ing,  bowling, and beach going. Personally, I'm hoping to forget about life's negativity and my responsibilities this weekend. I don't even care that my pooper has been super active lately. They all know I have Crohn's and I know they will understand if I have to make a lot of trips to the bathroom. I'm not in any pain, so I'm up for a weekend full of fun. It's going to be an interesting dynamic of personalities between the four of us. There will never be a dull moment, which is awesome because I want this weekend to be unforgettable. I want to make memories that will have us laughing for years to come.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Cat is Out of The Bag

I'm taking Taylor to see the Shania Twain Concert in Miami next Thursday. It was supposed to be a surprise, but her boyfriend told her about it on their anniversary since the concert ticket is one of his gifts to her. Thank God because it was killing me not being able to talk about it with her! Now we get to have awesome text convos like the one below.  It's so awesome that she loves Shania Twain as much as I do!!!  God Bless her... she can't spell to save her life

My First Day at Wharton-Smith, Inc.

I meant to write this post Monday night, but I went to bed right after dinner because I was not feeling well. I pooped my brains out and then I slept for over 11 hours. I felt better on Tuesday, thankfully. Now somehow it's Thursday and I'm just getting around to it...

I always wondered if higher paying jobs were really more work. In this case, it is certainly more work mentally. I'm learning lots and loving every minute of it. The details, organization, and responsibility involved are exciting. I'm pretty much shadowing my supervisor, Kim V. until I get the hang of things. She seems like an awesome lady! The work she does is impressive and I can't wait to learn all of her payroll ways!   She has given me a few projects already to work on. I love it because she is not a micro manager. She showed me what to do, then gave me the project to complete and said just ask if I had any questions. She will be checking my work afterwards until I fully know what I'm doing, but it's nice to have that freedom to do it by myself. There isn't any unnecessary hovering, which is opposite of Classic Mazda. I love that it feels like she already trusts me! I have seen things this week that made my eyes pop with the outstanding realization that I am responsible for highly sensitive information. I certainly don't take that lightly.

Everyone in the office is super nice! Most of the ladies are around my age and are either having kids or getting married. lol I'd say there are about 15 people in the Payroll, Accounting/Finance, and HR area where I work and there are way more people in other areas of the building. As far as Payroll goes, it's just Kim V. and myself. On any given week we will be processing payroll for 450-500 employees.

Soon enough I'll be Kim V.'s right hand gal for everything. I have to be fully trained by September because she is taking off for two weeks to get married!

P.S. I knew I was going to love this job right away once I went to the bathroom for the first time because they keep a poopourri and a febreeze bottle in the single stall bathroom.  At Mazda, I just went into the men's room whenever I had to take a crap so that if anyone smelled anything they would think it was one of the guys.  Now I have absolutely no stress about going to the bathroom at work. It's awesome

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tomorrow is Only a Day Away

I start my new job as payroll assistant tomorrow! Well, technically I'll likely be spending the whole day with HR getting orientated, but I'm excited nonetheless! A new job, a new routine, and best of all less time with certain members of my family.  I'm super excited because it's a set schedule. I even get about two hours of jam session time during my commute each day. It's going to be great time for me to get in the zone of happiness and fun, and get my head right again. I love time to myself even if I don't consider myself an introvert. It's so easy to let others' negativity mess with my mentality. Almost like the negativity is contagious. I'm working on making mixed CDs to listen to.  In the mean time, I'll be jamming out to Olly Murs.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

One of Those Moods

Do you ever get into one of those moods where everything anybody does just pisses you off, and then you try to convince yourself that you don't give a shit? I found myself in that mood today.

I like to think that typically I am a very easy going person. Most of the time, I really don't give a shit. That's how I usually keep my zen.  I rarely find myself angry. When I do get angry though, it's always with my family. My first go to strategy is to get quiet because I absolutely hate conflict. So, I avoid it if I can by not giving a shit.  If you're looking for a reaction, you are not likely to get one from me. It's taken years of practice, but I have mastered the art of knowing when to keep my mouth shut. However, I am willing to change my strategy if the circumstances warrant it. Trust me, once I open my mouth I won't be shutting it anytime soon. That's a can of worms you probably don't want to open.  Keep me out of petty games and grow up. We're family, people! Love or ignore; don't hate.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.