
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ambitions, Accomplishments, and Robots

Before my exam today, every student in class had to give a 30 second commercial about themselves. This is sometimes known as an elevator speech. Anyhow, the outline we had to use was, name, education, work history, an accomplishment, and a future goal. Listening to forty fellow classmates' accomplishments and goals not only made me feel under accomplished and made me feel I lack ambition, but it also was extremely boring to listen to these strangers talk about themselves. I understand business is supposed to be serious to a certain extent. However, I wondered why none of these kids tried to lighten up their commercial with humor and reality. This is a marketing class, so aren't they supposed to seem relatable. No one felt real to me. They all seemed like boring robots with impressive resumes. I do not desire to enter a business atmosphere after graduation that has no room for fun and humor. I'm having second thoughts about whether I picked the right major, and that frustrates me since I'm so close to graduation. I get the duties of a job and the mission of a company are serious business, but I don't understand why everyone seems so uptight and afraid to breathe and be themselves. We are not machines!  My 30 second commercial was not like the rest:

Hello class! My name is Lauren Albig. I'm a senior, finance major at the University of Central Florida expecting to graduate in the spring. I'm currently working in the real estate title insurance industry. I was recently inducted into the honor society Phi Kappa Phi, which inducts only the top 10% of all U.C.F. students. I also graduated clown school in 2011. I hope to be a part of the one third of graduates that has a job lined up by the time I graduate, but if that doesn't work out I could always make my parents proud and join the circus.

Obviously, I would not use this exact speech in an interview, but for a class presentation it was great because I got the class to laugh at the end of my commercial. Now, I want to focus on having bigger ambitions so that I'll eventually have greater accomplishments as long as doing so doesn't turn me into a boring robot.