
Friday, July 18, 2014

This is My 100th Post

I started my new year resolution early when I began blogging at the end of last year. I even encouraged a few friends to blog. There are a couple of reasons I began blogging and other added benefits I realized after I started. First, I really do aspire to write an autobiography one day and I think this blog will be a valuable tool to help me do that in the future. Another reason I started blogging is that I wanted another way to share my life and connect with others. Obviously, I'm apprehensive in connecting because I disable the comment section on my posts. I also have only shared this blog with close friends and family. Perhaps one of these days I'll venture to invite others to follow my blog.  One of the added benefits of this blog is that I have allowed myself to open up more about my health.

For most of my life I've loved to write, so blogging is pretty natural to me. In fact, I have a hard time writing a short post.  A shift in my writing has occurred since I started blogging. Before the blog, I wrote poems and short stories and this blog has encouraged me to write personal life happenings. I've never been a consistent journal keeper. I think this shift is due to the fact that I'm cautious to let others read my creative works... chalk it up to fear of criticism or just saving the creative work for a future New York Times best seller or a Billboard chart topper. If those are my dreams, why the heck am I a finance major?

Cheers for another 100 posts! Thanks for reading and blogging with me!