
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

School, Work, New Car Fever, and Health!

I made it!!! I took my midterm today for my one and only class and passed it with an 88%! I'm officially on Spring Break! Although I'm still waiting for my exact grades back from my team's industry analysis report and presentation, a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am performing well beyond what I even considered possible while juggling my new job with school. I can say I'll be graduating this semester with more confidence now. I'm still striving to earn an A or a B in this class so that I can graduate with the highest honors (Summa Cum Laude), but at the very least I'm pretty positive that I'll pass the class.

I ended the month of February with 5 cars sold, which is freaking awesome considering I worked less than half the month on the sales floor. My hope is that I can exceed my sales goal for the month of March. I've had the privilege to work with many fascinating customers. It's hard work, but I still love it!

I do have a confession: I am experiencing new car fever! I'm not financially ready to buy a new car yet, so that's controlling my temperature at the moment. However, the new 2016 Mazda6 GTs gave me the sensation of love at first sight. Talk safety to me, baby! Ooh la la...zoom-zoom!!! Just the smell of them raises my temperature. Don't let Loop Hole (my 2006 Mazda6) read this. He may get jealous.

My health has been the best it's been in a couple of years. My bowel movements are absolutely beautiful and regular! My stomach has been pain free. Praise, Jesus! I am beyond thankful for good health because I think I would struggle to keep up with work and school if I wasn't feeling as well as I am.