
Monday, March 23, 2015

Netflix is My Stress Relief

At first I thought I was going to blog about pissing off a customer, but I'm trying not to let that unintentional incident stress me out. Therefore, I will learn from my manager's mistake and put it behind me. So, I'm going to blog about the Netflix shows I've been watching for stress relief. The following shows don't take much brain power to watch and I'm able to keep up with the characters easily. That's why they have been my go to shows after a long day of work or school.

I just finished watching the two seasons of Orange is the New Black for the second time. I wanted to refresh my memory before season three premieres this June. The ladies at Litchfield Penitentiary find themselves in an unbelievable amount of drama. Like Piper Chapman, I would also probably study for prison because I would want to be as prepared as possible. A lot of good that did Piper...She said the wrong thing to the wrong person and was served a used tampon sandwich for lunch and then she was starved out! lol Although I relate the most to Piper's character, she is not my favorite.  My favorite characters are Alex, Nicky, Taystee and Poussey.  I wonder how accurately the show depicts a prison. I certainly don't believe I would survive such confinement. If I ever had to serve time, I don't think I would come out the same person I went in. Piper says, "I'm scared that I'm not myself in here, and I'm sacred that I am."  This show has great character development and I find the ridiculous positions that some of the ladies find themselves in hilarious. I think it's highly entertaining.

I recently started watching Parenthood and I must say I am pleasantly surprised that I like it. I'm only three episodes into the first season, but so far I plan to keep watching it.

Saved By The Bell is so addicting. I love watching episodes because it takes me back to when I was a kid.