
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

First Capstone Team Assignment

For the past three weeks, my Capstone team, Strategic Knights, has been researching and analyzing the retail grocery industry. Today, we had our first team assignment due, which consisted of our 15 page retail grocery industry analysis report and our 10 minute presentation about our analysis of the industry. The report and presentation are each worth 100 points, so we had 200 points up for grabs today. That's 20% of our overall grade. We managed to pull everything together with less than 30 minutes until class started. Thankfully, my team has quite a few superstar students and they make my job as team leader a hell of a lot easier than I ever dreamed was possible.

Strategic Knights: Raeann, me, Lauren, Gabby, and Elizabeth
We gave our presentation exactly as we had rehearsed it, with 20 seconds to spare on our time limit. Afterwards, our professor asked about five in depth questions. I think we answered four of the questions really well; however, we struggled with one question because the girl who had that part in the report that the question related to couldn't back up her statements with reason or resources.  Overall, I am proud of my team's performance. Our professor let us know that we got an A on the presentation, but the exact grade is not yet known. Plus, we have to wait for him to grade our 15 page report.

Having this assignment behind me is a huge relief. I don't have much time to relax though because the mid-term is next week. Hopefully, I'll get some down time the week after mid-term during spring break.