
Friday, February 20, 2015

Positive Feedback at Work

When I interviewed at Mazda, I was under the impression that I was interviewed for both the sales position and the finance position. The GM and I both agreed that I would be better prepared for finance if I started out in sales, so I signed on to be part of the sales team. My intention was to learn everything I could about sales and work my ass off to be promoted to finance.  After numerous one on one conversations with my co-workers in sales, I came to realize  that most of them had been working in sales for less than six months, were UCF graduates majoring in finance or business admin, and were also looking to move into finance. The fact that it seemed most employees in sales were likely to move to finance before me was kind of disappointing. However, I didn't let it slow me down in how much effort I put into work. I finally got some re-assurance today from my GM and my team lead manger.

I had placed an order for 3 Mazda uniform shirts. My general manager then called me and said he thinks I look very professional in the white blouses I've been wearing. He suggested I not waste my money on ordering any Mazda uniform shirts since I'm on the "finance track." As long as I am comfortable in my white blouses. Wow, he recognized and gave me hope in the career goal I'm pursuing!  Plus, he implied that I wouldn't get my money out of buying Mazda uniform shirts if I'm promoted to finance within a few months. This thrills me!

My manager, who is also my team lead, asked me what my plans are for employment. Do I plan to stay in sales, or do I plan to pursue a position in finance? I told him I want to learn everything I can in sales so that I can do my very best, but my overall goal is to get into finance. He agreed I'd be a good candidate and said he will keep it mind when he reviews my potential and performance at manager meetings every Monday to put in good words for me.

The two positive feedbacks from my managers today eased my mind when it comes to who will get a chance at the finance office first... me or some of my co-workers. I now believe that I am in the running to be a first mover. All except one sales co-worker have the Mazda uniform shirt. Evidently, the GM didn't think it'd be a waste of their money. Perhaps because he thinks they'll be in sales for a while. I just have to keep working my ass off! The payoff will be so sweet! Although I'm not looking forward to having to take the auto industry compliance exam. A real world exam is a little daunting to me.