
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I'm Rocking At Life!

I am totally rocking at life this week! Don't get me wrong, I'm working my ass off to do it, but at least my hard work is being rewarded. I pulled a 96% on my first big report of the semester! That impressed me for some reason. It's a senior level class and the professor will not pass students that cannot write at a college level. Relief set in because I was unsure at how well my writing skills are since I don't write a lot of college level stuff as a finance major. Evidently, I'm an amazing college level writer. I don't think I ever got that high of a grade in English Comp I or II.  I know I write as a hobby, but I guess I didn't realize the quality of my grammar and word choices show my level of education.

Also, my team turned in a mission statement for our strategic business unit (lab) and my professor selected it as the best mission statement from all of the other teams that turned one in.  Considering that only one girl on my team sent me her ideas of what the mission statement should be, and everyone else left it up to me to combined it with my ideas (Oh, the responsibility of being team leader... gag me).  I came up with the following mission statement to guide us in what we do and who we are for the rest of the semester:

We conduct competitive analysis for firms and their industries to uncover sustainable, competitive advantages. Our continued development of employees allows us to integrate the various levels of expertise required to maximize the benefits of stakeholders and society.

Yeah, I am on track to finish this semester with a BANG!!! 

Also, I'm back at the dealership this week. Yesterday, I was only supposed to be shadowing. However, I had just clocked back in from break when a customer came in and all of the other sales associates were busy. I got to step up to the plate. The customer had been at the dealership the day before and my co-worker, Mary, had helped out then. Since Mary was with another customer I got to be put in the game. I ended up selling a car! It seems crazy, but I didn't know anything about the car because it was pre-owned. That didn't slow me down though. I discovered the features of the car with my customer and gave a kickass demo drive. I'm certain it was on the demo drive that the customer was sold. Shoot, I was sold. lol I convinced myself it was a good car for a good price. I even wrote up all the paperwork with guidance from my manager. It was fun!