
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chronically Single

Surprise, Valentine's Day was yesterday! Honestly, it has never been a particularly special day for me.  I had a team meeting with my Capstone group, which consists of four other girls and myself. Most of whom seemed super excited to leave the meeting to see what their significant others got them. I was excited because I actually had the day off from work, which meant that a nap was in my future!  Two of them talked, one about her husband and the other about her boyfriend, and I forced a smile and listened to the nonsense.

Unfortunately, no one asked about my plans after the meeting, so I didn't get to brag about my upcoming nap. Naps are special to me. It's probably for the best. In my experience, it is usually difficult for others to believe that I have gone 27 years of my life without ever having been in a serious relationship. Sure, I've dated, but it's exhausting and bad for my immune system. I'm most excited about seeing my bestie this weekend. Sometimes I think I'd make a good nun.

Yes, I'm chronically single.  I'm still not looking for a relationship. It's just not something I want in my life right now. I do evaluate my attitude about the idea of a relationship a couple times a year.  Will I ever be ready? Will it ever be something I crave?  Most of the time it boils down to me not being able to see the value of being in a relationship. I fail to see the benefits. I simply don't want to waste my time. Actually, I do not have a lot of extra time on my hands anyway. I'd rather spend the extra time I do have on hobbies, napping and catching up with my current friends (most of which I don't have time to have face to face conversations with).  If I were better at time management, would I be more interested in having a relationship? I doubt it.