
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Not Sure How, But I'm Surviving

My social life has been non-existent all year; however, I've met more new people in the first two months of 2015 than I did throughout 2014. In a way, I am making one friend at a time. When I was shadowing Mo at work and practically sold his customer a second car by myself, I let Mo take the sale and count it toward his cars sold amount. He was shocked I just gave it to him, but the way I looked at it was that I was shadowing him to learn the sales process, not to steal a sale from him. I just didn't feel right counting the sale toward my cars sold amount. That decision earned Mo's trust and respect and now I know he'll have my back on the sales floor and he will be willing to help me out in the future. A co-worker's car broke down this week and we were both at HR all week for sales training. Even though it was out of my way, I offered her a ride while her car was in service. She took me up on it and bought me lunch to thank me. She was grateful and I think we'll be great team players on the sales floor.

Work is getting intense. I have learned so much that my brain might be on the verge of exploding. I don't think it will be too much longer until I'm actually on the sales floor selling cars. I'm a little nervous because I know I'm inexperienced, but I'm hopeful customers will be patient with me as I learn and do everything I can to help them. I can't wait to help my first customer and I really can't wait to sell my first car!  I'm currently suffering from new car fever. During sales training, I met the COO and CMO of Holler-Classic Automotive Group, which was really neat because they took the time out of their important duties to welcome us to the company and share some of their experience in the auto industry. Their ideas for the future of the company are impressive and inspiring!

School is going full speed ahead. I had my very first team meeting outside of class today and it went amazingly well. We had a great discussion on the retail grocery industry. Is it an attractive industry? That is the mystery our 15 page report will be solving. Before the meeting I felt overwhelmed and uncertain on how we will complete everything on time, but after the meeting I felt more confident in my part and our team's ability to kick ass on this report. So far, I'm getting great feedback on my team for being a well organized team leader. =) I manage all of our discussion threads on webcourses and make weekly announcements on our goals for the week.  I also communicate with our lab instructor to keep him updated on our team's progress.  I'm glad my teammates recognize my effort in keeping us all on the same page.

P.S. Still waiting to get a grade back on my first big report of the semester... =/