
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

So Much To Do, So Little Time = Life

To say that my life is crazy busy seems like an understatement.  Between work and school I really don't have much time for myself or anyone else for that matter. Taylor and I cancelled her visit last weekend. I can't even remember the last time I took a nap.

I'm still loving Mazda! I'm learning tons of stuff every day! I'm officially Mazda certified, which is pretty awesome! I'm still learning how to tell all of the different trim levels apart at first glance though. Plus, I'm still learning all the technology offered: BSM, MRCC, RCTC, LDWS, etc... I pretty much know the different engines, horse powers, torques, wheel sizes, and cloth or leather that comes on each trim level. It's just the technology and some safety features that are tripping me up when I'm asked to explain them. This week I'm learning the sales process. So far, I know our greeting and concept statement that we share with each customer. I should be ready to hit the sales floor in two weeks! I'm so grateful that I found a company willing to invest in me.  I plan to work my butt off to reward their investment.

As for school, I kind of want to quit so that I can focus on work. I know I'm only taking one class, but it's a monster of a class! I turned in my first big project today, my 10-K report. I only got it to 12 pages because I just ran out of time to work on it. I'd love to get an 80%; however, I'd settle for a 70% since I know I could have done better if I had more time. This morning in class, we were assigned our first team project and it's due in three weeks. Everyone in class is freaking out because we have a 15-20 page industry analysis report to write about the retail grocery industry, we have a 10 minute presentation to give about our industry analysis, and we have our mid-term exam all due in the same week. February 24th is going to be a week from Hell. This week my team is focusing on researching the industry since we have use a minimum of 10 sources in our analysis. Next week, we will split the project up and give everyone on the team a portion to write. Hopefully, writing the report won't take too long since we'll already have most of the research completed, and then we'll need to put together a presentation and practice delivering it flawlessly! Oh yeah, and in our spare time we should study for the mid-term! HA! We'll see how that goes.

Also, I finally have the official date I will be graduating as long as I can pass this class! The big day will be Saturday, May 9th, 2015 at 9AM! Even though I know the date, it still doesn't seem real yet. Perhaps it's because I'm not yet certain I'll pass this class.

I have no clue how I'm going to get everything done to get to where I want to go with work and school, but I know I'm working my butt off to get there. Kim keeps reminding me that I will be rewarded in May for all of my hard work in school.