
Sunday, January 31, 2016

It's My Birthday... Almost

My birthday celebration is already well underway. To those of you that have already sent me a birthday card, thank you for making me feel special for my birthday! I feel like you must really be on top of your game in life! Keep being awesome!

My friend, Veronica, sent me a blanket she crocheted herself because she knows how cold I always am! It's thick and wonderful and will keep me warm for years to come. I am in awe that she hand made it. It makes feel super special.

My birthday weekend will be non-stop celebrating with friends, family, and co-workers. I'm thankful to think that I'll have enough energy to keep up with all the plans and really enjoy everyone's company. Today my sister, Kim, mentioned that she's going to give me tickets for my birthday. Now, I've been giving really obvious hints that I would love to see Justin Bieber in concert. What can I say? I'm not a hater. So, I asked if she decided to go to the Bieber concert even though I know she loathes him. That's when Kelly opened her big mouth and said that whatever tickets Kim got me she was certain that I would think they are way better than Justin tickets. My mind drew a blank because I couldn't think of anything better. That's when Kim prompted me with a question:

Who's CD have you been playing in your car nonstop since October?

HALSEY!!!! She's going to be at the CFE Arena in July and Kim will be taking me! I must not be a very good fan since I didn't even know she was on tour. I consider myself a huge fan though. Seriously, I've obsessed with her music so much that I have not been keeping up with other music at all. When I heard her song "Castle" in the trailer for Huntsman, I freaked out in the theater as I whispered to Kim, "OMG, Halsey's song is in a movie trailer." I can't wait to see her perform live