
Sunday, May 17, 2015

I Still Have a Butt

Despite the fact that I have been working my butt off, I still have a butt. My butt is hanging on for dear life though. I'm scheduled to work 6 days for a total of at least 50 hours this week. As you can imagine I hate to admit that these hours and the physical nature of selling cars is taking a slight toll on my health. I am doing awesome this month at selling cars! It's only the 17th of the month and I've already sold 8.5 cars! If I sell more than 12 this month, some guy at Honda owes me dinner!  I've been battling some diarrhea. Although I don't have school anymore, I still don't have much time for me. I certainly understand that at some point it's about making time rather than having time; however, I'm struggling to find time for my hobbies. I'm too exhausted from work to run. My feet hurt most of the time because I spend most of my day walking around the car lot, so when I'm off I like to put my feet up. I'm not off on the weekends to do clowning events or to spend time with friends and family. When family and friends are off work, I'm working. Likewise, when I'm off work, family and friends are working. Oh well, at least I still have a butt!