
Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Body Loves Surprising Me

          Obviously, I was completely shocked when my hair started falling out a week ago. If my body was a pitcher for a major league baseball team, its specialty would be curve balls. Sometimes the things it does makes no sense to me. I don't get how I can have Alopecia when it's considered to be an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles thereby stopping growth.  I get that Crohn's is autoimmune, but I'm taking a potent immune suppressant medication for it. So, how can my immune system attack itself when I'm taking an immune suppressant to prevent attacks like this in the first place? I'm trying to find some positive things about it. Like the fact that it's not painful. At least it's not physically painful like Crohn's disease is. However, it is emotionally painful. I've dealt with emotional pain a little bit with Crohn's, but I'm not an expert on how to manage that kind of pain yet.

          So, I had two half marathons this weekend. I ran one on Saturday and the other one on Sunday to bring my weekend mileage to 26.2 miles. I struggled to find energy last week. Blame it on the stress of not knowing exactly how to solve this hair loss problem or blame it on me being slightly depressed about it. Heck, my low energy could even be contributed to losing blood in my stool last week. Yeah, how does that become an occurrence that doesn't concern me anymore? Anyways, on Friday I did not feel ready to race this weekend. I wasn't sure if I'd have it in me to finish. Honestly, I wanted to sleep in and have a pity party in bed as I watched the hours tick by. Instead I got my butt up and by the time I made it to the start line of each race, my head was ready. During the races, I made time to reflect on the past week. I ran through a few teary eyed miles and that somehow made me feel a little better. I went from not feeling like I could race to finishing two half marathons. I can't deny that my body has found ways to screw me up bad, but it constantly finds ways to surprise me in good ways with the things it's capable of as long as I let it.