
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My Ordinary Reality

If you endure something long enough, it will slowly become your new normal. This post is about my new normal. The forthcoming sentences and pictures have strangely become my ordinary reality during the past few months. It may be disgusting. I can't close my browser to stop being repulsed by my new reality though. I have to deal with this shit no matter how nauseating it is at times. It sucks, but I'm getting better at it.

My preferred way to empty the shit in my pouch into the toilet is to lift the toilet seat and get on my knees to get closer to the water line so that I decrease the amount of splash caused by dumping the shit into the toilet.  This is hard on my knees and troublesome when the floor is wet.  Before I got the ostomy, I would never touch a toilet seat outside of my house. I'm great at squatting and hovering. lol  Now, I find myself touching the toilet seat with my hand in every bathroom I use.  There is nothing neat about dumping the shit into the toilet. Even though I reduce splatter, I do not eliminate it. It is common for shitty toilet water to splash back up onto the toilet rim, my hands, arms, and/or clothes. I use wipes and/or toilet paper to clean the opening of my ostomy before rolling it to close it and sometimes my finger pokes a hole in the wipe/toilet paper causing my finger to make direct contact with shit.

I also come in direct contact with my shit on change days. Scarlett is almost always producing output while I change the ostomy appliance. I inevitably end up getting shit on me during the process. I recorded Scarlett shitting on me this morning, but due to technical difficulties I could not upload the video on here. You'll have to settle for pictures instead.

My stoma is now 7/8", which is just slightly smaller than a quarter.

I set out my ostomy supplies to prepare for change day. 

Oh no, Scarlett is about to blow!

She always thinks it's a good time to shit when she's free. She's a non-stop asshole like that. I'm 30 years old and still shitting myself regularly.  

The feeling of victory when she behaves long enough for me to clean and dry the area, and prepare and apply the adhesive parts of the appliance.

Bring it on, Crohn's Just kidding, please leave me alone.
This photo shows that I am okay. I am making it through this. I am pretty fucking amazing!