
Sunday, February 25, 2018

One Less Asshole

I have finally been cleared for ostomy reversal surgery at the Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. The colonoscopy and biopsy results came back showing mildly active Crohn's disease in my rectum and throughout my colon.The active inflammation won't keep me from moving forward with surgery though. It sucks to be told Crohn's is active again. I haven't had a dose of Remicade since September 5, 2017.  My gastro thinks it's best to wait to start back on Remicade two weeks to a month after surgery.

At my pre-op clearance appointment with my primary care doctor, I had lab work and a urinary analysis (UA) done.  The UA came back showing a urinary tract infection (UTI). I'm skeptical that it was really an infection because I had zero symptoms.  They prescribed Cipro, an antibiotic, and asked me to come back in to get another UA. The second UA also came back showing a UTI even though I had taken Cipro.They prescribed me a different antibiotic (Sulfamethoxazole-TMP). I can't bring myself to believe that the alleged UTI was really an infection as I had not experienced any symptoms. I considered not taking the second antibiotic at all. However, after I spoke with one of my nurse friends, I decided to only take the second antibiotic for three days instead of the prescribed five days.

Surgery is only three days away! I changed my ostomy appliance for the last time today. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.  In just a few days, Scarlett will be gone and I will be shitting out of my original asshole again! The world will soon have one less asshole in it. This makes me happy! I went into the first surgery expecting to have an ostomy for the rest of my life. Three months later, I find myself going into the second surgery to reverse the ostomy. It's mind boggling! Recovery will have its challenges, but I am ready to get through another surgery. I can't wait to put this behind me.

Surgery time is to be determined on February 28th. They expect surgery to take about two hours and they expect me to be in the hospital for two to four days.