
Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Unthinkable Happened

I had been feeling great for a while and it gave me confidence to start announcing how well I was doing... and then Tuesday happened. I started feeling pain between my down below cheeks. By the time I got home and mustered up the courage to grab a mirror to help me see what was going on, I had an unmistakable abscess. I felt more frustrated than concerned because I don't have time to be dealing with this shit. I want to be healthy to run. I want to be healthy to put my best foot forward at work. Hell, I just want to be healthy so that I can live my life pain free.

I tried to get my gastro or colorectal doctors to prescribe me antibiotics, but they guided me to make an appointment with my gastro first. On Wednesday, I knew I had to make an appointment quickly before my absscess got any worse. That meant I also had to request off of work less than two full weeks into my new position. Requesting off of work for health reasons stresses me out because it's often on short notice. I never wanted to have the difficult conversation with my employer describing my condition, Crohn's disease. It wasn't a possibility. I wouldn't even consider it.  I should write another post describing my motives behind my decision not to disclose my health issues with co-workers and supervisors.

Anyway, the unthinkable happened on Wednesday when I requested off for my doctor's appointment today. I told my supervisor that I needed to take some personal time and she was easy going about it. I apologized for the short notice and mentioned that if she needs to know more info, I would tell her. So, being a talkative gal she chimed right in and said, "Well, now you've peaked my interest. What more is there to know?" I pretty much wanted to crawl into hole and swallow my tongue. I closed her office door and proceeded to tell her I have Crohn's disease. I explained what Crohn's is and then she asked a few personal questions, but it was too late to shut up. She was understanding and supportive. The most impressive thing though was that I didn't cry at all during the conversation. I don't know why I usually get emotional when I have to talk about it, but not this time. It was like an out of body experience. When I walked out of her office, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. Even today, she asked me more questions about it. 

Bring on the antibiotics: Flagyl and Cipro! I'll be feeling like shit for the next ten to fourteen days just so that I can feel better. I will likely poop myself before it's over!!!