
Sunday, January 19, 2014

The End is Near

           The first month of the new year is almost over! It seems like 2014 is already flying by. I'll be another year older next month and I've never been more focused on my future than I am right now. I believe they call it the "senior itch." I'm ready to be done with school  As long as I pass my three classes this semester I'll only have six classes left to take in order to graduate with my B.S.B.A. in Finance! I am beyond ready to be finished with school and begin the next chapter in my life.

           When class registration opens, I'll be able to register for the last six classes I need. One of the benefits of having a G.P.A. higher than 3.5 is that I get to register for up to three semesters out while others can only register for one. Most of the classes I have left to take are electives which range from real estate, advanced international business, business negotiations, etc... so I'm flexible in that I'll have many class options to choose from that will work with my schedule. My goal is to register for three or four classes in the summer and two or three classes in the fall so that I can graduate in December 2014! I'm ready! I just hope that I can get all the classes I need when it comes time to register in order to graduate in December.

             As for the next chapter I've been throwing around two ideas. The first is finding a decent entry level job in a field related to finance. The second is moving somewhere out west. Obviously, the major reason I went to college in the first place was to become more employable in order to better support myself in life and pursue dreams of adventure. Now that the end is in sight I am craving an adventure of a lifetime! It's like I'm homesick for a place I don't even know that exists yet. I have gotten feedback from friends and family about me moving across country. There are natural concerns and things to consider before committing to such a huge decision, but more on that in another post. I was pleasantly surprised at how much positive feedback I received. Others were as excited as I am about the idea of a true adventure! If not now, when? I think the answer to this question is likely to be never.  Last year as I was flying home from Las Vegas I looked out the window of the plane to see the sun setting behind me and the Grand Canyon under my feet.  The day was over and I felt like I was leaving a world of  unknown adventure behind me. It's hard to explain, but I don't get that feeling where I call home now.