
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


              I went to see a friend's basketball game tonight! My memory isn't good enough for me to remember if I ever coached Bekah or not. However, I do remember playing basketball with her older sister, Heather (the girl with the green scarf). Somehow I also remember coaching Kimmi and Allison (the two girls sitting behind me).  It was great to see those familiar faces! 
Bekah's Fan Club

                Bekah's team won by one point! They were down most of the game and didn't take the lead for the first time until 2:12 left in the fourth quarter!  It was beyond amazing! I haven't seen Bekah play in years, so to see how much she has grown and excelled as a player was pretty cool. She's no doubt a baller!

                Basketball was my first love. Likewise it was also my first breakup. After high school, I didn't know if I would ever get over it. It took a few years, but I finally stopped missing it. I think I filled the void by taking up running, which I fell head of heels for. I still love the sport of basketball, but now I love it as a spectator and a retired player. My ego allows me to believe I still have game. My heart tells me my game has come and gone. When I watch a game, I probably over analyze everything. I like to see what kind of defense each team is playing and how the offense adjusts to the defense and vice-versa. I like to observe the referees to see whether they call a soft or hard game. As a player you are playing the refs just as much as you're playing the other team so you have to know what you can get away with. I like to see the coaches use timeouts strategically and then see the team come out and execute. I love seeing teams make adjustments to take advantage of the other team's weakness. In my head, I try to find the weaknesses. In my head, I give players pointers like how to correct the form on their shot or give advice on how to predict traps. I also talk to myself about the coaches and how they should be using time management in close games. The points, steals, rebounds and assists are just the icing on the cake that most spectators will focus on, but the game of basketball is so much more than that to me! Sure, I care about the big things. I also care about the little details that go unnoticed to an untrained eye. I've got it bad. I still love it!