
Sunday, July 10, 2016

"Been in Pain Like Me" - Halsey

The last few weeks have been the worst I've felt health wise since starting Remicade. First constipation, and then stomach pain. Wednesday was the most wicked stomach pain I've had in recent memory. It was on and off throughout the day. I felt the pain hit me and then briefly subside only to return with what seemed like a stronger punch to the gut.  At times, I had to remind myself to breathe. I know Kim could tell I was in discomfort at the Halsey concert, but I tried not to let it ruin the experience. It was kind of appropriate, really, being able to scream the lyrics with Halsey. Those same lyrics that helped me through other hard days like Wednesday.  Halsey opened the show with her song 'Gasoline', so the first two lines couldn't have been more fitting: "Are you insane like me / Been in pain like me".

I'm definitely not a tough critic. I thought Halsey put on one hell of a great show, but it wasn't just her that made the show awesome. The arena was nearly sold out. The fans knew every fucking word to every fucking song. We, the fans, energized the arena by singing along with Halsey loud and proud. I've been to quite a few concerts, so believe me when I say that I've never felt the power of an audience like this before. I loved it when Halsey let the audience take the lead to a chorus while she took it all in with a smile and proceeded to sing back up vocals to us. She lived up to her badass image. She threw the word "fuck" in whenever she felt like it, which made the crowd scream in approval. She also used her powerful voice to create new and exciting riffs. After one song, she got a little choked up on raw emotion as she admitted that she had never played to a crowd this big before. She's a relatively new artist, but she didn't let any inexperience show. She owned the stage!  It was a great escape from reality.