
Saturday, February 13, 2016

This Ass-pect of My Life Sucks

I had another visit with my colorectal specialist yesterday. It was as terrible as my last visit. A painfully traumatizing experience. Once again I was in too much pain and the doc couldn't fully loosen my stricture with her finger, so we couldn't use the scope to see what's going on. I hate being weak and I hate not being able to handle the pain. My ass is going to be bleeding for days and I'm disappointed in myself because I couldn't handle more of the torture. Damn, my ass is so sore, yet I still think that I should have been able to be tougher. I feel like I failed.

At my specialist's request, next time I have to schedule my appointment at the surgery center because I need to be sedated in order to get my stricture fully loosened. To be kinder to myself, I have lasted over three years of appointments with my colorectal specialist before having to be put under. I guess that's kind of a win. The benefit of being sedated next time is that I won't feel the pain or the trauma in the heat of the moment. I'd much rather be violated when I'm knocked out for the count. The draw back of the doc being able to do more is that it can make the recovery time longer.

She only takes appointments at the surgery center on Tuesdays, which is an important day in my payroll week at work. I'll have to talk to my supervisor to figure out which Tuesday in May I can take off.  No one at work knows I have Crohn's, so I've never given too many details when I request a day off for Crohn's stuff. I feel like since I'll be sedated, I might need to give my supervisor more details in case something goes wrong. Nah, I'll just ask about taking a Tuesday off and hope my supervisor doesn't ask too many questions because talking about my butt issues at work doesn't seem very professional.