
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Rock Star and Vaginal Farts

Rock star:

I just wanted to share this hilarious thing I heard on the radio this morning. A caller called in to talk about what part of life her and her circle of friends are in. After explaining that she is the only single one left in her circle of friends, the radio host asked if she was next to get hitched. To which she responded: I'm closer to becoming a rock star than getting married.  I laughed out loud and knew I will use that explanation in the future when someone asks me about my relationship status and marriage. I'm most definitely closer to becoming a rock star!

Vaginal Farts:

My vagina has farted a couple times this week. It sounds ridiculous, right?  At first I was caught off guard because I didn't feel it coming until it was already rattling my vaginal walls on it's way out... and by then it's too late to hide. It happened after my period ended. It made me giggle. How could I not find vaginal farts funny. I think anal farts are funny, but vaginal farts are even funnier to me. I didn't know they existed. For real though, I am so damn sexy and I know it! My vagina has puffed air like it's an asshole. lol I don't know. It didn't hurt. I've been Google-ing vaginal farts and comparing normal peoples' experiences with Crohn's disease patients' experiences.  For normal people it's no big deal. For people with Crohn's there usually ends up being a fistula involved. I'm curious ladies, does your vagina fart? I'd love to hear about it. No, I don't feel like this is too much information. I don't know that much about it and I want to learn more. It's not bothering me, but if it keeps up should I ask a medical professional about it? If so, would I ask my OB, gastro, PA, or colorectal specialist about vaginal farts?  Imagine the phone call, "Hey Doc, my vagina has been farting and I'm wondering if I should be concerned?