
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Taylor's Bridal Shower

This past weekend was a whirlwind. Friday was a half-day Friday at Work, but work is insanely crazy, so I left later than I had planned. If I could have, I would have worked the whole day on Friday and even on Saturday. It sucks heading to South Florida from Sanford because it adds about 45 minutes to my drive time than if I were to leave from Orlando instead. It took me right at four hours to make it down there. During my drive down, I couldn't get a few contracts out of my head because I left things in a bit of chaos.

I pretty much missed Taylor's dress fitting. I got there just time before they left the location of the fitting. Between thinking it started later than it did and leaving late from work, it was pretty much doomed from the start. Before dinner we had to go to the hotel so that I could bring the ice chest with the bridal shower cake in it to the room, which I presumably managed to keep Taylor from seeing it (I'm not completely convinced she didn't sneak a peek because she lost interest in seeing it relatively quickly). The girls unpacked all of the bridal shower stuff Taylor left with me in Orlando to bring. My car is definitely not made for moving a bunch of shit from one place to another.

We had a nice dinner at Olive Garden and Taylor made my day better by buying me two beers! After dinner, I felt much more relaxed and not as stressed. Once we got the flowers for the bridal shower and were back at the hotel, we got in our comfy clothes and started getting to work on decorations, favors, and such. Cybelle brought super fun face masks for our skin that we used right before we went to bed.

My alarm went off on Saturday for me to wake up early and go for a run, but I decided to snooze and skip running since I had a long weekend ahead of me. We got to the venue about two hours early to begin setting up. Somehow everything fell into place just in time. I don't think the cake could have been more perfect! The shower was elegant, lovely, and fun; however, personally, the work that went into it was not very rewarding to me. I know in the end it doesn't matter what I think because it wasn't about me, ultimately it was to celebrate and honor the bride-to-be. Hey, she seemed pleased with the bridal shower, so I'd count that as a success! I'm glad that's behind us. These wedding things are just not my cup of tea.

I left South Florida to head home around 3PM on Saturday. Thankfully, I was home by 6:30PM. I procrastinated on going to bed and when I finally did, I couldn't get to sleep for the life of me.  It was around 10PM when I finally fell asleep. Only to have my alarm go off at 1:30AM on Sunday so that I could go to my volunteer shift at the Disney Princess Half Marathon.

To be continued...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Highlights of February 2017

I'm not sure what I've been preoccupied with that has prevented me from sitting down and blogging this month. In an effort to save time, I'll give you the highlights of February 2017.

I had the best birthday to date! I spent my birthday weekend with Taylor and she made me feel incredibly special. From the thoughtful gifts to the planned surprise celebration, it makes me wonder what I did to deserve such an amazing friend. She got a bunch of my friends together to surprise me at an escape room, which, by the way, we escaped with like fifteen minutes to spare! No thanks to me, of course.

I've had a couple of really fun races (the Warrior Dash and the Quack Attack 5K) with my running friends. Seriously, they are such an inspiring group of people that they build everyone up. I'm not sure if running is fun by itself, or if running is only fun because of them. Anyways, I'm still as addicted as ever. I woke up at 4AM this morning to meet my group for a morning run. I thought the motivation I had to train while training for the NYC Marathon had long since dwindled, yet I'm still setting my alarm for that ungodly hour.

Work is busier than ever! Don't get me wrong, I love it! It just seems like I have more responsibilities than I have time in a day, in a week, in a month...well, you get the picture. It's challenging and I wouldn't trade it for anything at the moment.  The overtime is awesome!

Even though I'm Taylor's Maid of Honor, she has really held my hand and walked me through my responsibilities. Heck, she's helped me with almost everything. However, with just the few things that I've had to do this month to help prepare for her bridal shower, it reinforces my lack of desire to ever have a wedding or shenanigans for myself.  I know I'm lazy and that's probably why it feels like way too much work. I tried really hard to do my best, but I'm actually nervous the cake and cake stand I ordered won't be perfect. What if nobody likes it?  The fact that I think I'm going to like it is not enough.