
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hello, October

Good news: Cimzia was delivered, which means that it is covered under my new insurance plan! This makes me love my job even more. If you know me, you probably know I'm a nerd for numbers.

Before I only ever knew the estimated cost of Cimzia. Well, here are some numbers from my latest Cimzia order. The cost of Cimzia is $3,159.68 for each month's supply. I'm responsible for 10% of that: $315.97, my co-pay. After subtracting my co-pay, the insurance company has to cover $2,843.71 of the medication. Thankfully, I have a Cimzia co-pay assistance card that covers my co-pay, $315.97, for me so that I get Cimzia for free.

Once I do my October injections that will finish my third year of taking Cimzia. Over those 36 months, I'll have injected myself 72 times. Most of the time I find it easy, but sometimes my head over thinks it and the injections freak me out. Occasionally, they hurt, bleed, or bruise.  I have done all of the injections in my stomach. I could do them in my legs, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it in my legs. Plus, I figure since it's my belly giving me the trouble it can endure to be the pincushion. Anyways, over those 36 months, insurance has saved me $102,373.56 and the Cimzia co-pay card has saved me $11,374.92 for a total savings of $113,748.48!   If it wasn't for insurance or the co-pay card, I would either be really broke or really sick! Bring on year number 4!

If that's not great enough, get a load of this...

With my new insurance plan, the co-pay for Cimzia that the co-pay card covers actually counts toward my out of pocket maximum even though that money isn't coming out of my pocket. $315.97 * 12 months = $3,791.64 towards my out of pocket maximum.

I finally got my 'Stang back. I love the leather and the stitching! This car really feels too nice to belong to me.