Questions regarding current MRI results:
- What are the results of my MRI?
- What do the results mean?
- If she gives me the same results as my gastro nurse, who determined that the MRI showed significant inflammatory changes? SimonMed, Gastro, Colorectal?
- Inflammatory changes compared to what? What did the inflammation change from?
- Where did the MRI show inflammation?
- What does "probable fistula to the bladder" mean?
- Can you provide a probability rate?
- If she concludes there is indeed a fistula to the bladder, how do we fix it?
- Medication, surgery, or a combination of both?
- Are additional tests required?
- If surgery is recommended, can I postpone until the beginning of the year?
- What does surgery entail?
- How long is recovery?
- What's the probability that surgery will work?
- What's the probability of getting additional fistulas?
- If we manage with medications, how does that interact with Remicade?
- What are the risks of having a fistula to the bladder?
- If we can postpone surgery, what's the plan to monitor urinary tract infections?
Questions regarding previous MRI results:
- I had an MRI back on November 13, 2015, and I found personal notes that the results showed a possible fistula.
- Can you look up those results?
- Do you know what we did to address it?
- Was it possibly showing the same fistula that's probable now?