
Sunday, March 5, 2017

My First Time Volunteering at a Disney Race

When my alarm went off at 1:30 AM, I thought why did this sound like a good idea? I never want to volunteer at a Disney Race again. Two of my sisters, Kim and Kelly, were up and just as ready to go as I was. We mumbled how early it was, but headed out to Disney anyway. We met my ugly step sister at the Volunteer check-in tent, and then found the right bus taking us to our volunteer assignment, the powerade station at mile 11.2 of the Disney Princess Half Marathon. We waited on the bus for about 45 minutes in the parking lot of Typhoon Lagoon before we started heading to our assignment. It turns out the bus driver went the wrong way and we got stuck in race morning traffic, which made us really late to our assignment.

Once we got to mile 11.2, the volunteers had to rush to set up the powerade station because the race was starting soon.  When we got to work, I loved every aspect of it! We set up tables, mixed powerade in countless 10 gallon coolers, set up cups, and then filled the cups with powerade. It took teamwork to find a groove in the process, but we did it! 

My favorite part was handing the cups of powerade to the runners and cheering them on. The first cup I handed off was to Track Shack star Heather Shultz. She ended up placing second!  It was great fun to see everyone's costumes and screaming for them by the name of the character they were dressed as! Over 30,000 people ran the race. Each person has their own story, a different reason they run. We even saw a few of our friends that were running the race!

By the time the last racer past us, our powerade station was cleaned up within 15 minutes. Disney has a great process with dump trucks and cleaning crews that follow behind the last racer to make cleanup a piece of cake. The group leader we volunteered with is with MarathonFest (that's how we got the opportunity), and he valued our hard work so much that he offered us spots to volunteer with his group at the 8.2 powerade station for the Star Wars Half Marathon in April. Surprisingly, since I woke up that morning, I had a change of heart. It was a rewarding experience, so I decided to sign up to volunteer at the Star Wars Half.