
Monday, October 26, 2015

I've Been Busy; That's a Lie

Hi! Long time, no blog. I could lie and say I've been busy. The truth is I've been sleeping my life away. How am I feeling? I hate that question!  Honestly, I usually say I'm doing good until one day I wake up and I realize that somewhere along the way my 'normal' has changed. Yet, I'll still tell you, "I'm good."

I see my gastro on Thursday and my colorectal specialist on Friday, so I'll be haunting my doctors with my ass for Halloween. Thankfully, I haven't been experiencing pain. Two weekends ago, I shit so much in the middle of the night that I woke up with abs the next morning... I haven't worked out in months. Sounds like a dream, right? Go to bed, wake up 14 times to shit in the middle of the night, and then wake up with abs. My bowels have gotten back to 'normal' since then. I have been super tired. I slept for 26 hours this past weekend. My doctors and I have some talking to do... even though they still don't know about the incident in Texas last December and I don't know if I'm going to tell them.

Enough about that... When I'm not working, sleeping, or shitting, I've been reading "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking". I'm about a third of the way through the book and all I can is wow! It has been eye opening to the way our brains process information consciously and subconsciously. This is a book about psychology and so far learning about priming and thin slicing is so interesting to me. I can't wait to see what else this book has in it!

I've also been finding new music on YouTube. My current obsessions are with Halestorm and Halsey. If you're only going to listen to one of each of their songs, listen to Hold Me Down by Halsey and Love Bites (So Do I) by Halestorm. If you're going for a second song, go for Gasoline by Halsey and Apocalyptic by Halestorm. I'm surprisingly leaning toward more rock selections. The screaming parts are just the therapy I need. 

Lastly, I've been binge watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. I just got to season 5! All I can say is that I would not survive a zombie apocalypse. I'd be one of the first to turn and then I'd be attacking all of you healthy people.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hello, October

Good news: Cimzia was delivered, which means that it is covered under my new insurance plan! This makes me love my job even more. If you know me, you probably know I'm a nerd for numbers.

Before I only ever knew the estimated cost of Cimzia. Well, here are some numbers from my latest Cimzia order. The cost of Cimzia is $3,159.68 for each month's supply. I'm responsible for 10% of that: $315.97, my co-pay. After subtracting my co-pay, the insurance company has to cover $2,843.71 of the medication. Thankfully, I have a Cimzia co-pay assistance card that covers my co-pay, $315.97, for me so that I get Cimzia for free.

Once I do my October injections that will finish my third year of taking Cimzia. Over those 36 months, I'll have injected myself 72 times. Most of the time I find it easy, but sometimes my head over thinks it and the injections freak me out. Occasionally, they hurt, bleed, or bruise.  I have done all of the injections in my stomach. I could do them in my legs, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it in my legs. Plus, I figure since it's my belly giving me the trouble it can endure to be the pincushion. Anyways, over those 36 months, insurance has saved me $102,373.56 and the Cimzia co-pay card has saved me $11,374.92 for a total savings of $113,748.48!   If it wasn't for insurance or the co-pay card, I would either be really broke or really sick! Bring on year number 4!

If that's not great enough, get a load of this...

With my new insurance plan, the co-pay for Cimzia that the co-pay card covers actually counts toward my out of pocket maximum even though that money isn't coming out of my pocket. $315.97 * 12 months = $3,791.64 towards my out of pocket maximum.

I finally got my 'Stang back. I love the leather and the stitching! This car really feels too nice to belong to me.